Welcome to
J J Eckhardt

I have a background in Project Management with a Degree in Art and Advertising Production. I’m a fan of
Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Horror.
I started writing over thirteen years ago when a strengths analysis suggested writing would develop one of my skills, and a new writer began his journey.
I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and now live in New Jersey.

Check out my blog for more details of my writing journey. 

Novel Excerpts

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Psychic Storm
The Overlord

    A dark look at future humanity that has gained psychic powers. After a breakdown of society and many deaths, one individual arises from the ashes to take control of Philadelphia with an iron will; few can resist.
    Jonathan Bartram and Stephen Estrada will be brought together through psychic abilities they never asked to receive.                                
    Jonathan uses his new power to
enslave survivors of the event and take control of Philadelphia. He becomes the Overlord of Bartram Fortress and reigns with a cruelty never before seen in the city.
    Stephen begins his journey into adulthood through a fallen world. He must accept the death of his family and wrestle with the choices he makes to survive.
    Four years after the event, their paths cross as Stephen works with Sanctuary and an Abolitionists cult to destroy the Overlord.
Adult Content 

I was at first taken aback by the graphic nature of the story. Still, as I progressed through the book, I understood how the author intended to contrast the Overlord’s cruelty against humanity’s genuine goodness. If you are easily offended, this book may not be for you, but if you have an open mind, you will be rewarded with what I thought to be excellent writing for a first-time author. Although this is the first novel released by the author, it was the second one I read. I was amazed that the writer could write so well using two distinct styles. 

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The Sisters are Here!

Psychic Storm II
The Sisters of Aphrodite

    A dark look at a future where humanity has gained psychic powers through an undetermined event that killed the majority of the population and altered forever those who survived.
    The Overlord is dead, and Philadelphia has become the home of Sanctuary. The rebuilding continues as the search for William intensifies before he can attack Philadelphia to try and purge the region of the abilities, but is William the threat Sanctuary believes?
    Upriver from Philadelphia, the Sisters of Aphrodite, have taken over the town of Conshohocken and turned it into a new Hell for the young men and boys they have enslaved, using them to fulfill their sexual desires and depravities.
    Sanctuary calls on Stephen to help prepare operatives to enter Conshy and report on the sisters’ actions. Things don’t go as planned, and Stephen must put himself at risk to save his friends, and along with an unknown ally, destroy The Sisters of Aphrodite.
Adult Content 


Amazon Exclusive

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A Journey Toward Tomorrow
The Beginning

   A science fiction novel with a touch of romance and mystery that takes you on a journey as new life begins from the forgotten ashes of the old.
   Unknown to Humanity, the Earth’s sun would soon release a tremendous amount of formerly unknown radiation destined to destroy all life. The galactic community of space-faring species, of whom Humanity had no prior knowledge, discovered the impending doom, and developed a plan to rescue a portion of Humanity and Earth’s life from extinction.
   Those rescued would begin a new life on a world terraformed with Earth plants and animals to sustain Human existence. The survivors had the memories of Earth and their former lives erased to ease their transition into their new lives. One man’s journey begins when he awakes in the middle of an unfamiliar landscape. When he finishes his adjustment, he meets aliens and other human survivors—but one feels familiar.
   Warren Estridge meets Laura Blanched, seemingly by chance. Together, they must endure the sometimes-painful re-occurrences of their old memories, learn how to come to terms with the truth emotionally, and adjust to a world they don’t recognize before continuing the journey of their new lives.

I was reluctant to read A Journey Toward Tomorrow: The Beginning, since it was only the second novel by a new writer, but I ended up loving the book. The story proves all Sci-Fi doesn’t need to be about robots and spaceships. This story is about people being thrust into a new world while dealing with partial memories from their past, intended to be forgotten. This is a story about Humanity and relationships set against a background of a new beginning on an alien world. I gave this book four stars instead of five because I wanted to know more. I became such a part of the character’s lives; I wanted to know how things evolved between Warren and . . . well, I don’t want to give it away.

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A Journey Toward Tomorrow II
Building and Discovery

     Two years have passed since Warren Estridge regained his memories and truly began his new life among the other survivors of Earth’s destruction. Now married, the couple must cope with survivor’s guilt and their shared painful memories of Earth.
      Humanity begins to grow the population of Comhaltas, and the Humans work toward full membership in the galactic community; however, through the years, new mysteries unfold that could alter Humanity’s journey and final destiny.
      Warren’s son Wilson has conversations with Iam, which Warren believes to be his son’s computer assistant. The Galactic Council questions Lan of Jonton about Wilson, and they divulge to him troubling information about Earth’s supposed destruction. Is there a connection between IAm and the events on Earth?
      As Warren ages, he becomes the last survivor from Earth, and he opens up to the voice of I Am. With the mysterious entity’s guidance, Warren comprehends and accepts the truth of the ultimate fate of Humanity and the universe. Will the rest of Humanity? 


Available 10/7/24!

A Journey Toward Tomorrow III
Expedition Earth

     Warren Estridge’s physical existence nears its end as he watches the Humanitas begin its Expedition to Earth with his grandson Adamous and great-grandson Joshua on board.
     Joshua’s primary goal is to recover the David statue from a museum in Florence and bring it and other lost works of art back to Comhaltas for the new Humanity to enjoy.
     Amongst their new friendships and love interests, Joshua and Adamous are about to face unexpected revelations. The preparations for the expeditions are proceeding smoothly until Captain Aurelio Conigliaro is confronted with the truth about the Earth. The Estridges, unaware of this truth, are in for a surprise when they meet unexpected visitors during their time in stasis. What they learn will not only surprise the crew but also make the recovery of artifacts more challenging than expected.
     As the ship nears Earth, the captain faces a daunting task. He must guide the crew toward the truth about the Earth, a truth that could potentially end the expedition. Many of the mission plans have to be altered, and the captain, in a crucial moment, confronts Joshua about his experience in stasis and the extent of his knowledge about the Entity I Am.
     As the expedition reaches Earth, I Am reveals the galaxy’s history and the shocking future of Earth, Comhaltas, and the universe.  


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Surviving Zeptulgar

    Surviving Zeptulgar, is based on the handwritten journal of Johlnz Dezlond Zavix I, discovered hidden in the city of Nel Experza, in the year 0099 AC.
    His Great-Jarson, Johlnz Dezlond Zavix II, found the journal and published the memoir in the year 0100 AC. The journal is a first-hand account of life after comet Zeptulgar nearly destroyed the planet of Tanacun, in the year 3988. His journey and involvement with one of the central new communities established to continue the Tana race, is well documented in this, the only known first-hand account.
    Johlnz accidentally stumbled upon and was accepted by a group of scientists working to save what little remained of the Tana race; however, survival was far from assured. The group, along with others, needed to journey down to the planet’s equator, the only area of the planet where survival could be possible
    Part of the Journey universe. 

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Available now, your chance to explore my dreams!

Dreams and Little

A Collection of Short Stories inspired by the dreams of J J Eckhardt

    Hello readers, and welcome to my unconscious mind. My many dreams over the years have inspired the short stories contained in this collection. I can assure you I have not actually dreamt of an old hag witch or an alternate reality. I have not taken a trip to Hell or been abducted by aliens. Dreams can inspire many strange ideas, and you never know where they may lead.
    Each dream will be preceded by an explanation of the original dream or dreams that inspired the story. Each description is your chance to investigate the mind of a writer—if you dare.
    Includes a Journey prequel and Psychic Storm nightmare.

Advance Reviews
Thank you for allowing me to beta-read your book. I thought the book was well written. I really enjoyed the stories. Even though it had some Sci-Fi in it, my interest was held throughout the whole Book.

I am more of a fantasy fan, but the mix of science fiction and light horror, as well as some comedy, made for a great variety of reading. I think I will take a look at J J Eckhardt’s novels next.

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